NIU Goes Green
Energy Efficiency & Campus Sustainability Website

Underlining its commitment to leading educational, environmental and community and infrastructure advancement, Northern Illinois University (NIU) has implemented a wide-ranging scope of sustainability initiatives and progressive technological advances.


The university recognizes that it has a basic obligation to contribute to the betterment of the society of which it is a part. NIU believes that the quality of individual and social life depends on the quality of mind; and it commits itself to preparing students for effective, responsible, and articulate membership in the complex society in which they live as well as in their chosen professions or occupations.


Through multiple phases, NIU implemented energy-efficient retrofits campus-wide that extended from light bulb replacements to air conditioning system modifications to solar panels used for the swimming pools.



“We have always been at the forefront in looking for increased efficiency and cost-savings on our bulk energy purchases. The current budget situation in the state just makes it even more important that we be careful consumers with every dollar allocated to us.”

Eddie R. Williams, Executive Vice President for Finance and Facilities

Northern Illinois University has completed eleven phases of guaranteed performance contracts since year 2000. The University will realize over $50,300,000 in Guaranteed Energy savings over the term of the contracts. In addition, the University saved more than 37,000 kgal of water. From all eleven phases of performance contracts, the University reduced a total of 425,525 metric ton of CO2 released to our environment over the length of the contracts.