City of Hollywood - City Hall
Project Fact: Annual Energy Savings over 228,000 kWh
A Message from Hollywood Mayor Peter Bober
The City of Hollywood Green S.W.E.E.P (Solar & Wind Energy Efficiency Project) is another example of Hollywood's dedication to sustainability and economic growth. As a City, we are committed to leading the way when it comes to environmental stewardship. Hollywood Green S.W.E.E.P. is a demonstration of the innovative use of renewable energy technologies to improve and positively affect our environment. Conserving our natural resources and promoting urban sustainability while reducing energy costs, enhances our community.
I encourage you to learn more about the leading solar and wind technologies being installed in our City buildings. I hope you will follow the project online and watch as the solar panels and wind turbines begin helping to power these facilities.
Peter J.M. Bober
City of Hollywood Mayor