Northern Illinois University has been at the forefront in its commitment to applying energy efficient components and practices to its campus infrastructure.
For over ten years Energy Systems Group has been a partner in the university’s sustainability and green environmental initiatives.
ESG has assisted NIU with integration of energy efficient materials and technologies in buildings throughout its DeKalb campus.
The environmental benefits of enhancing the energy efficiency of campus structures are obvious, but ESG’s innovative technologies allow for such campus improvements to be applied in a most cost-effective manner.
The ESG/NIU website is an excellent resource for keeping the NIU campus informed of the energy efficient mechanisms, practices and applications in which the university is currently engaged.
Project Facts:
• NIU has reduced its electricity consumption by 35,876,410 kWh Annually
• NIU has reduced its natural gas consumption by 1,655,592 Therms Annually
• NIU has conserved more than 37,000 gallons of water