ESG Partner, Clark Atlanta University, awarded HBCU Clean Energy Prize

Earlier this month, the Department of Energy (DOE) announced the first 10 prize winners in the inaugural Historically Black College and Universities (HBCU) Clean Energy Education Prize Inspire Track. We want to take the time to congratulate our customer Clark Atlanta University on winning one of the 10 prizes!
Clark Atlanta University will now each receive $40,000 to continue their efforts towards sustainability through clean energy-focused summer camps for K-12 and community college scholars. This award aligns with President Biden's Justice40 initiative, which aims to ensure that 40% of the benefits of certain federal investments go to disadvantaged communities. This initiative will be a significant driver in shaping America's clean energy future by cultivating a diverse and inclusive STEM workforce, a goal we are proud to support.
As a partner, we know Clark Atlanta University is dedicated to ensuring that clean energy is a priority on their campus. Through our partnership at their John B. Shepard Central Utility Plant, the university was able to achieve over 15,000,000 kWh in annual energy savings. We are excited to continue supporting Clark Atlanta University over the next 5 years and see them continue their clean energy efforts through the winning of this esteemed prize. Once again, our warmest congratulations to Clark Atlanta University!