K-12 Education

Reclaim Your Dollars for Students and Classrooms with Energy-Saving Solutions

Study after study shows that school building deficiencies reduce the probability that students and teachers can achieve their full potential.

Outdated infrastructure, inadequate lighting, poor ventilation, and a lack of safety measures not only detract from learning objectives, they also drive up energy and maintenance costs. With limited funding for school building improvements, it’s getting harder for K-12 schools to make the grade.

Boost Student Achievement with Energy Efficiency
Energy-Smart Solutions for Education
Boost Student Achievement with Energy Efficiency

We make it possible for schools to implement energy-smart solutions that can cut up to 25% of their energy costs.

Innovative Energy Solutions for Education
Solar Energy for School Districts
Innovative Education

We are your Easy Button for making necessary upgrades. 


Since 1994, ESG has helped school administrators overcome the challenges of limited budgets to transform outdated school buildings into secure, energy-efficient powerhouses for learning and engagement. Working in tandem with your team, we help you do more with less to boost student achievement, staff satisfaction, and community goodwill.

Achieve More with Smart Capital Improvement Funding for School Districts

Funding for school district improvements can be piecemeal, difficult to find, and challenging to navigate. We help you put the pieces together using energy savings performance contracts that enable you to pay for today’s facility upgrades with tomorrow’s energy and operational savings. You’ll have guidance for maximizing available funds through budget-neutral solutions. We can even assist with budget planning to support your short- and long-term budget financing goals.


Reduce Operating Costs

Improve energy efficiency and reduce maintenance costs with best-in-class infrastructure, building envelope improvements, optimized maintenance planning, and levelized, or reduction of, utility costs.


Enhance Academic Achievement and a Healthy Learning Environment

Support learning strategies with better lighting, improved air quality, intelligent building controls, energy efficient systems, and other innovative technologies.


Catch Up on Deferred Maintenance

Use energy-saving solutions to tackle critical infrastructure updates that have been pushed to the back burner by resource and funding shortfalls.


Support Staff Recruitment and Retention

Give staff a reason to sign up and stay with brighter, healthier, future-focused learning environments that support their needs.


Promote Environmental and Fiscal Stewardship

Meet decarbonization targets, reduce your carbon footprint, and achieve other clean energy sustainability goals while demonstrating sound management of taxpayer dollars.

Energy Solutions for School Infrastructure

Power the Future

with Innovative Solutions That

Work Within

Your Budget

We work around your schedule to minimize interruption to the school day.

You’ll gain an entire team of in-house engineers, energy experts, renewable energy consultants, construction managers, and project developers who will work side by side with your team to:

  • Identify and evaluate energy-saving opportunities based on your needs, goals, and priorities
  • Develop engineering designs and specifications
  • Manage the project from design to installation to monitoring guaranteed savings
  • Work with your financial advisor for financing and assist with pursuing federal, state, and local rebates, incentives, and other sources of funding, including Inflation Reduction Act dollars
  • Train your staff and provide ongoing maintenance services
  • Guarantee that savings will cover your full project cost over the term of the contract

K-12 School

Addison Community Schools

K-12 Schools

Cabell County Schools

K-12 Schools

Southampton Union Free Schools



Based on decades of experience working with K-12 schools, we know how to help you do more with less.

Our turnkey, design-build approach streamlines decision-making and expedites schedules.

Because we are vendor-neutral and equipment-agnostic, our energy engineers can recommend the best, most cost-effective solutions to fulfill your goals. And with our no change-order policy, you gain greater budget certainty from the start.

Invest In The Future of Your Students

Invest In The Future of Your Students

Create innovative and holistic energy and infrastructure solutions that pay for themselves.