Chicago West
Energy Center

Looking for enhanced energy reliability and reduced costs, the VA Medical Center partnered with us to implement infrastructure upgrades improving the campus's energy security and self-sufficiency. We delivered solutions without disrupting hospital services or burdening taxpayers, benefiting staff and local veterans.


Staff Impacted


Veterans Served at the VA


Recordable Safety Events

Energy Systems Group. VA West. Chicago, Illinois. One Centaur 40 GS Generator Set. s/o 72961. Cogeneration, providing electric power to local load and steam to  VA Medical Center. With supplementary fired boiler. Power Generation North America.

"This plant and this partnership is a prime example of what needs to happen elsewhere across the country to benefit our constituents."

-Joan E. Cummings, VISN Director, VISN 12



Find Out How We Did It


See the tailored solutions we provided for Chicago West Energy Center, and let's discover how we can create a customized plan for you, too.