Taking Safety to the Next Level
At ESG, safety isn’t just about following processes and procedures. It’s woven into our culture.
We put more energy into safety both because it is the right thing to do and because it is integral to meeting our promises—to our employees, our subcontractors, and our clients

There is No Compromising Safety
Often, capital improvement projects need to share space with building occupants or campus activities. You can have confidence that we understand what’s at stake.  We go above and beyond to define and implement safety practices that will keep your stakeholders safe, your operations up and running, and your project on schedule.
Our safety management program is adaptable by design to comply with OSHA requirements. It’s also built to deliver above-average results. In fact, we received the OSHA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Star certification at Fort Detrick, a United States Army medical command installation in Frederick, Maryland. This recognition is only granted to companies that demonstrate exemplary achievement in preventing and controlling occupational safety and health hazards and that develop, implement, and continuously improve their safety and health management system.
- A subcontractor selection process that vets potential partners for a solid safety record
- The completion of potential hazard reports to identify potential issues before construction begins
- Project-specific safety plans tailored to your needs, goals, and site
- Project safety orientation training, daily safety briefings, and pre-task planning on every project
- Stop work notices, giving all workers the authority to stop work activities if an imminent danger condition is perceived
- Sitewide safety stand downs on specific safety-related topics
Focused on what Matters
Our safety program, S.A.F.E. ONE: Safe Actions for Every One, reminds our teams that safe actions apply to every minute, every team, every home, and every life.
Defined values concentrated on personal responsibility and positive outcomes guide our actions on the jobsite and off:
We are committed to eliminating all preventable injuries and illnesses in the workplace.
We are committed to safeguarding workplace exposures and ensuring a safe, secure, and environmentally sustainable workplace for all employees.
Our employees are responsible for demonstrating a high regard for safety and environmental stewardship.
We are committed to consistent and comprehensive environment, health, and safety training and development for every employee.
We are passionate about safety and environmental stewardship as a measure of how we judge our success.
A Demonstrated Record of Safety
For proof of our program’s success, look no further than our Experience Modification Rate (EMR). The EMR compares workers’ compensation claims experience to other companies similar in size that operate in the same industry. The industry average EMR is a 1.0. ESG’s EMR is consistently and significantly better than the industry average. We also maintain an exceptionally good Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) and Days Away Restricted or Transferred (DART) rating.